
D'dragon ENZYME is a 100% natural, pure and concentrated daily health drink packed with readily-absorbed nutrients needed by the body. Apart from the addition of natural yeast and pure Red Dragon Fruit juice, there are no preservative, artificial additive, colouring and flavour added. It is suitable for all people, especially vegans and elderly, of all ages and body constitution, for people who have inadequate intake of vegetables, are fond of meat and sweets, picky in their food, dine out frequently, smoke and drink excessively, suffer from obesity, constipation, underweight and skin problem. What is ENZYME?
Loss of Enzymes There are more than 3000 enzymes in our body to keep us in good health and our body constantly produces and replenishes enzymes required. Unfortunately, along with the advancement of technology, we are subject to bear the pollution of modernization such as air, water, soil, food and sound pollution. All these have inevitably weakened our body immunity and caused constant loss of enzymes in our body. Besides environmental pollutions, the following factors are also some of the main reasons of enzyme depletion in our body: • The progressive increase of age
Due to the above factors, humans, especially city dwellers, are more prone to sickness. Signs of Enzyme Deficiency Our body can produce enzymes. Unfortunately, research has shown that as we grow older, the body's ability to secret internal enzymes decreases. Another way to increase our enzyme level is through raw food intake. But, not all food can be consumed raw. Today, modern food processing techniques and all types of cooking destroy nearly 100% of the enzymes naturally occurring in raw food. Enzymes are completely denatured when the surrounding temperature rises above 500C. In other words, our daily-consumed food is essentially devoid of active enzymes. Owing to environmental pollution, low-enzyme diet, unhealthy lifestyle and our ever-decreasing internal enzyme secretion, we are depleting of enzymes. The first sign of enzyme deficiency is interrupted digestion. Other symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, a loss of appetite, bone & joint aches, weak resistance, bad breath, anxiety and so on. Serious enzyme deficiency could lead to organ function disruption, resulting in serious and potentially fatal health complications such as constipation, irritable bowel, insomnia, infertility, gastric ulcers, hemorrhoids, heart disease, liver disease, arthritis and rheumatism, hypertension and hypotension and so forth. The immediate concern is to preserve enzymes in our body and the main means of obtaining enzymes are through enzyme supplementation. Supplementation of enzymes is important to ensure that you get adequate enzymes needed to keep sickness at bay, delay the ageing and prolong our life span. DraGon™ ENZYME, 100% natural and full of organic-enzymes, is the best way to replenish and increase your enzyme levels.
D'dragon ENZYME is a premium organic-enzyme made up of Red Pitaya fruits (Red Dragon Fruit) and honey. In D'dragon ENZYME, only the Red Pitaya fruits that are in season are used because the enzymes contained are in the most active state. Then, all these raw ingredients will be cleaned, thus, eliminating the risk of contamination. In D'dragon ENZYME, we adopted the extraction method based on the theory of osmotic pressure to preserve all the nutrients in the original fluid and prevent them from being destroyed. Liquid is extracted slowly in an almost natural state. Fermentation takes place in glass container. Plastic containers with chemicals are never used for fear of harmful substances dissolved into the enzymes. During fermentation, the natural microzyme is added to the raw ingredients so that the temperature-resistance is higher than that of ordinary enzyme. For maximum efficacy of the enzyme, fermentation process will be based on the normal room temperature; no artificial fermentation is used to speed up the fermentation. Finally, after maturation and filtering, D'dragon ENZYME will go through 2-step sterilization process: Sterilization of original fluid and sterilization while bottling before wrapping up. D'dragon ENZYME Improves Our Health D'dragon ENZYME is effective to improve our health through the following enzymatic functions: · Coordinating body's internal environment
· Anti-inflammation
· Anti-Bacteria
· Disintegrating Capability
· Blood Cleansing
· Cell Regeneration
About Dragon Fruit Dragon Fruit (also known as “Pitaya”), is of the cactus family and originates in drier tropical climates. It can be taken as fruit, flower, vegetable, health product and medicine. Hylocereus undatus, a genre of Dragon Fruit that is richest in Vitamin C and water soluble fibre, appears olive-shaped and shining red. Every single Dragon Fruit weighs averagely on 0.5kg to 1.2kg. Its thin rind encloses the large mass of sweetly flavored white or red pulp and small black seeds. Dragon Fruit’s sweetness is rated 16-18 degree, a level better than a watermelon. Unlike other tropical fruits, Dragon Fruit is low heat and can be used as cosmetics and health materials, helps improving eyesight and preventing hypertension. |
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